The Blog
3 Ways to Move a Nerve and How to Choose the Right One
Nerve mobility is crucial for reducing pain, improving movement, and supporting overall function in clients. By choosing the right approach—slacking, sliding, or stretching—you can tailor interventions to meet your client’s sensitivity level and goals. These simple techniques empower you to address nerve health and unlock better outcomes in every session.
The Mystery Is In The History
The key to answering “Where do I start?” lies in your client’s history. Their past injuries, movement patterns, and lifestyle habits provide valuable clues for crafting a targeted intervention that addresses root causes. By listening to their story, you can take the guesswork out of care and create personalized strategies that deliver meaningful results.
2 Eye Exercises You Should Be Doing with Your Clients
Your eyes do more than just see—they’re key players in movement, balance, and pain processing. Simple exercises like smooth pursuits and near-far focus can sharpen visual control, enhance brain processing, and improve coordination for better client outcomes. Add these easy-to-implement tools to your sessions to activate the visual system and support pain-free, efficient movement.
What Is Hygge, and Why Are Movement Professionals Embracing It?
Discover the mysterious power of Hygge for movement professionals. Learn how this Danish concept of coziness and balance can help you reset, recharge, and transform your practice.
Unlocking the Power of Your Visual System
The human visual system is more than just seeing; it's about how we perceive the world around us, maintain balance, and navigate through life's twists and turns.
Neural Hierarchy: Your Body's Priority System
It's called "Neural Hierarchy," and it's a concept that sheds light on how your brain prioritizes information and systems for your survival and well-being.
Understanding Pain: The Threat Bucket Metaphor
The Threat Bucket Theory helps us understand how pain works in the body and brain.
The Vestibular System: Your Balance Superhero
The vestibular system, in a nutshell, is your body's built-in balance and spatial orientation manager.
Unveiling the Marvels of Neurology in Movement
Healthy, strong movement is like a symphony of neurological signals, a beautiful dance between various parts of your brain.
Cracking the Brain's Code: Unveiling the Nervous System
Let’s chat about the fascinating world of how our brains perceive pain and explore the amazing functions of the nervous system! Believe it or not, the nervous system has just three main tasks. It might seem simple, but these roles are truly where the magic unfolds.
The Hidden Strength Within: The Impact of Jammed Joints
We're talking about the fascinating world of jammed joints and their unexpected influence on your body's strength and functionality. Let’s go!
Opposing Joints: Your Secret Weapon for Pain Relief and Mobility Mastery
Opposing joints are pairs of joints in your body that mirror each other. Think of it as a symmetrical arrangement.
Dive into the Fascinating World of Nerve Glides
Nerve tensioning, slacking, and sliding are your secret weapons in optimizing nerve function. These techniques can provide relief and help.
Decoding Pain Inhibition: Your Brain's Secret Superpower
Next time you or your clients face pain, remember your new pals – the PMRs. They're there, ready to help inhibit those pesky pain signals and bring some much-needed relief.
Demystifying Cranial Nerves: Your Brain's Messenger Squad
Think of cranial nerves as your brain's trusty messengers, each with its unique role in keeping your body in harmony.