Ready to integrate your existing skill sets with applied neuroscience assessments and drills to move clients through stubborn injuries and pain after exhausting all other options?
Introducing The MIQ Mentorship
A SELF-PACED online course for healthcare professionals to learn exactly how to implement the basics of neurology and pain science into your practice with confidence and long-lasting, real results.
Doors close on Nov 13th at 11:59PM PST.
This mentorship is perfect for those who:
You feel like there is something missing with the way you were traditionally taught to look at the human body.
You feel like there could be more out there to learn about movement assessments.
You want to be confident with looking at the person in front of you as a WHOLE harmonious ecosystem, rather than individual isolated parts that need to be treated and strengthened separately.
You want to stay at the forefront of your industry with education that is actually applicable to your demographic.
You might be getting bored with how you’ve been doing things.
You feel lonely in your job and want your passion ignited for your career again.
You know you don’t know, what you don’t know, and you want to know it!
The traditional biomechanical approach using basic corrective exercises is not wrong, it’s just incomplete. It's not a whole way to look at movement. It's a limited perspective that leaves a lot out.
Learning how to use the nervous system and assess what governs movement (the brain) will give you an alternative view that expands your existing toolbox so that you can help more people, which creates a more thriving business that generates more money while making a bigger difference.
The kind of difference that no one else can make.
Does this sound like you?
You are a professional who wants to successfully blend the functional neurology of pain relief and performance enhancement into your work.
You are a practitioner who wants to make a difference in this world, you find yourself referring out more than you think is necessary.
You are puzzled by certain client's stubborn injuries and you have tried “everything.”
You can’t help but feel hesitant to try new things because you are unsure of what will happen.
You’re confident in your craft but feel lost in the complexities of adding neuroscience, the eyes and the inner ear.
The Missy Bunch Promise
You will learn how to help your clients move, feel, and perform better by applying neurology to quickly decrease pain, and improve balance, breathing, strength, and vision. After completing this course you will be able to help what I call “WAEFs” The people that have seen everyone and When All Else Fails, they come to you.
This course is designed for those interested in being professionally exceptional.
What you get
The Schedule
Module 1
Training Rules
Threat Bucket
Neuro 101
Module 2
Cranial Nerves
Module 3
Neural Hierarchy
Visual System
Intro to Eye Exercises
Module 4
Eye Exercises Continued
Module 5
Vestibular System
Vestibular Assessments
Module 6
Vestibular Exercises Continued
Module 7
The Cerebellum
Cerebellum Assessments
Neurological Loop
Module 8
Nervous System
All the 'ceptions
Lengthening & Breathing
Module 9
All the Movement
Module 10
Opposing Joints
Back Force Transmission System
History Taking
Module 11
Foot Drills and the correlating muscles of the hip
Module 12
Neuromechanics Overview
Nerve Glides
Module 13
Nerve Glides Continued
Hot Seat Coaching
Nerve Glides Continued
Congratulations, you did it!
When you complete the mentorship program you can expect to be able to use:
Neurology to improve balance, breath, strength, vision, judgment, social behavior, the efficiency of your brain stem and gait
Functional neurology for pain relief and performance optimization
Specific assessments and appropriate exercises through a neurological lens
Brain-based rehabilitation that starts and ends with the source of all movement in the body, the brain
Proof Pudding
You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers
The mighty networks app (full details released once you purchase).
This will be completely determined by you and how much time you want to invest each week. You will get out what you put in :) The program is designed in 1-week increments so you have time to practice the homework.
No. I am happy to give you the information you need to submit your request to your association if needed.
Even better ;)
You will have lifetime access.
I cannot promise that this will be offered again.
This version is completely self-paced. This is a self-study to do on your own time, at your own pace, at your convenience. No need to show up for live calls. The price is much lower with added payment plans.
As soon as you are approved into the Mighty Networks App.
There is a 30-day money-back guarantee! If you can prove that you have implemented what you learned from the course after 30 days by filming yourself explaining every concept and teaching the content to a client and you are not getting results, Missy will happily review your submissions.
Meet Your Instructor — Missy Bunch
Missy is a multi-certified movement therapist who has been educating and coaching for over 13 years.
As a young professional dancer, she battled many injuries over her career and one day she found someone who studied neurology (the study of the brain and nervous system). After one session with this person, her 4-year knee pain was completely gone. She knew she wanted to teach this approach to the world.
The importance of brain function and using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” movement patterns, decrease pain and increase performance, has led her to teach and create lightning-fast improvements with people from all walks of life. Her specialties include injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, joint mobility and decreasing pain, holistically.
Enrollment Options
Self-Paced MIQ Mentorship
Modules Only
13 modules in video format all with separate lessons so you can watch as little of it or as much of it as you would like.
A downloadable PDF workbook so you can follow along with the video and facilitate learning and focus on the important details.
Weekly homework assignments that are simple and achievable so you can build confidence articulating the concepts and applying what you learn on yourself and with your clients in real life.
A convenient app where all of the course content and community will be hosted
Pay in full: $997
Pay in 2 payments: $500/mo for 2 months
© 2023 Missy Bunch Fitness
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